“It’s time you got results from your content,”

Your Freelance Content Strategist

  • Are you tired of throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks?
  • Do you feel like you have no idea what your audience cares about seeing? 
  • Are you wasting precious time and resources trying to appease algorithms instead of building relationships with your audience? 
  • And worst of all; do you feel like you’re not getting the results you’ve hoped for from your content efforts? 


Small businesses have it hard these days.

Not only are you competing for attention with other businesses in your niche, but also full-time content creators, and since recently…generative AI.  

It’s estimated that the number of text-based content is going to 2x since the use of generative AI.

So if you’re still only creating blogs and articles, you’re in a disadvantage. 

You may have realized this by now, and started to figure out how to create a podcast or videos, but you’re struggling to see how it all fits in your overall content strategy. 

At the end of the day, creating multimedia is costly, and if you have no strategy or system, you may be doing double work!

And who wants that? Not me.

Hi, I’m Tetiana Furmanchuk – creator of a Supercharged Content System and Berkeley-certified content strategist and producer. Over the last five years, I’ve been working with businesses and individuals just like you, helping them generate leads and revenue from their content marketing efforts.

Unfortunately, many companies spend thousands of dollars every month on activities that barely generate any tangible results.

If you’re a small business with a million dollars in revenue, chances are, you spend at least 50,000 a year on your marketing.

If your marketing doesn’t generate any tangible results such as leads or sales, you’re losing 50,000 a year, plus the opportunity cost. 

Let me tell you a story of one of my clients. 

They were always passionate about content, and they worked with a digital marketing company to help them write blog posts. 

Unfortunately, the strategy they received went as deep as figuring out the keywords that the audience may be searching for (not deep enough!).


As a result, they were generating traffic to their website but it wasn’t translating into sales.


  • They didn’t know who their Ideal Customer was.
  • They didn’t know what their Buyer’s journey looks like.
  • They didn’t have a funnel that could assist their Ideal Customer through these different stages of their buyer’s journey.

They were focusing on the top-of-funnel which is just getting eyeballs on their website, instead of having a comprehensive content strategy that would: 

  • Clarify who their Ideal Customer is. 
  • What content they care about consuming during each stage of their Buyer’s Journey. 
  • What channels are best to reach them.
  • How can content stand out among the competition?
  • What content they already have that could be repurposed? 

After I started working with them as a content marketing strategist, we sat down and answered these questions. 

As a result, they went from no results to over $3,000 per month in passive revenue just from their multi-channel content (not adsense!). 

They went from a brand new website with 0 traffic to 40,000 views per month.

They also got into a Nationwide conference to speak in front of hundreds of people. 


When you have a Content Marketing Strategy that works, doors open to you and your business. 

Do you want to go from a company that simply creates content to a company that uses content marketing to generate leads and revenue for your business? 

Are you tired of getting viral views that aren’t translating into tangible results?

Are you ready to gain clarity on why you create content, how to reach your audience, and how to do it efficiently and effectively? 

If so, you may want to consider developing a Content Strategy yourself or hire a content strategist. 

Multi-channel Content Strategy at your fingertips

Do It Yourself - Essentials (free!)

12-slide Content Marketing Strategy Deck with essential steps to help you gain clarity on who you serve with your content, where to publish it and why.  

Download For Free

Do It Yourself - Comprehensive Strategy ($47)

30-slide Comprehensive Content Strategy Deck, tailored to take you deep into the analysis of your brand, target market, and competitive analysis to help you stand out.

Get Instant Access

Done-for-You Content Marketing Strategy (starting at $2,999)

Comprehensive Multi-channel Content Strategy done-for you based on the analysis of your goals, target market, funnel, competition, website content audit, keywords research, and more. Limited spots available! 

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P.S. A percentage of proceeds is donated to help Ukrainian children who suffered from the war. You can learn more here: Dobrodiy club.Â